The covering of your curtains were begining to tore into pieces of dusty roads.
Passing to many intersections creates a broadways of cardboards. Walkers are
tempted to turn into different sideways of life lanes. Many were performing an
activity of runs into its full strenght lines. You tickles like the masking
colors of the wind sound. Voices were flying to many different directions of the
tables on round. Faces were begining to play hide and seek in the evening of
dimming lights. Melodies of twinkling stars were on the windows of sights.
darkness are turning into the flashing lightlimes of nighting noon. players and
gamers were stuned by the beauty of sparkling moon. shadows were present to all
bounderies of prison cell. smokers were begining to produce mist of smokes
drill. your were the recorder of life events. history existed because of your
ability to knits. audiences were dancing around the stages that your built. some
were jumping and rolling arount the treasure bolt.
time poetry: why natural calamity occur : Natural calamity occur when our nature is unbalance..what are the factors that make our nature unbalance? first is the abusive behavior ...
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